Friday, January 25, 2008

2008 Friday fun 2

I appologise for not posting a Friday fun last week but I had a book release. Dangerous to Know just in case you didn't know lol.
So, this week I am indebted to 'The Village Voice' for some snippets of times past in the Black Country.

Parish records from Sedgley church in the 1600's are full of nicknames for various people and shed a fascinating light on the inhabitants.
Edward Pershouse, a young man called ye goat.
Thomas Thominson known as Dobbin.
Edward Fellows commonly called the Giant.
and Harry Evans of Gornal Wood called Harry the painter.

My favourite story though is about a gravedigger from Oldswinford. He was reputedly asked to prepare a grave for a Mr Button. He duly did so and submitted his bill to the grieving widow.
To providing one Button-hole the sum of 2/-


Kate Hardy said...

Love it, Nell.

These kinds of stories are exactly why I love writing local history books :o)

Lis said...

Oh that's too funny! Button-hole lol

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I know it's morbid, but silly and strange epitaphs are always so fun to read, too.